Literature Review Of Smart Irrigation System
Literature Review Of Smart Irrigation System

Literature Review Of Smart Irrigation System

Some of these studies suggest the implementation of social, economic and climate change policies, as well as the implementation of technological innovations to improve water management. These reasons have led to an increase in the number of studies focused on reducing water usage in irrigation processes. The possible risks of climate change are an increase in water shortage, the reduction of water quality, the increase in water and soil salinity, the biodiversity loss, the increase in irrigation requirements or the possible cost of emergency and remediation actions. Furthermore, the safety of the water to be consumed by humans and to be returned to the environment must be ensured. The possible consequences of global warming have led to the consideration of creating water adaptation measures to ensure the availability of water for food production and people and to maintain ecosystems. Climate change and its effects are a recurrent topic in research papers regarding water resources and agriculture. Water management can be affected by different variables such as the water demand from the different sectors or the consequences of some degrees of warming on hydrological resources. A connection has been established between climate policies and water management. Among the countries in Europe, the Mediterranean countries are the most vulnerable to drought. The lack of fresh water is a rising concern, particularly in the Mediterranean countries or southern Asian countries such as India. Lastly, we will discuss the challenges and the best practices for the implementation of sensor-based irrigation systems. We provide an overview of the most utilized nodes and wireless technologies. We determine the parameters that are monitored in irrigation systems regarding water quantity and quality, soil characteristics and weather conditions. Due to the recent advances in IoT and WSN technologies that can be applied in the development of these systems, we present a survey aimed at summarizing the current state of the art regarding smart irrigation systems. However, manufacturers are currently offering low-cost sensors that can be connected to nodes to implement affordable systems for irrigation management and agriculture monitoring. Typical commercial sensors for agriculture irrigation systems are very expensive, making it impossible for smaller farmers to implement this type of system. Thus, studies aimed at saving water usage in the irrigation process have increased over the years. The possible consequences of global warming lead to the consideration of creating water adaptation measures to ensure the availability of water for food production and consumption. This also affects agriculture, as a large amount of water is dedicated to that use.

Literature Review Of Smart Irrigation System

Water management is paramount in countries with water scarcity.

Literature Review Of Smart Irrigation System